Dr. Berry is a leader of a small but growing movement of physicians who no longer participate in healthcare's third party payment system. This preserves the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and eliminates the cost of filing thousands of small medical claims each year, thus enabling Dr. Berry and other physicians to provide affordable care for the uninsured.
Since leaving ER medicine and opening this practice over seven years ago in a rural county of 65,000 in northeast Tennessee, it has grown to approximately 12,000 patients.
Dr. Berry's insurance-free model has been featured on the front of the The Wall Street Journal, the Knoxville News Sentinal, and other popular and medical news publications. He has appeared on ABC News, Fox News, and CNN, and his op-eds have been published in national, state, and local forums. He has received the King Pharmaceutical Cup of Kindness Award for Innovation and the Consumers for Health Care Choice's Pioneer in Medical Practice Award.
He completed a residency in Primary Care Internal Medicine at the University of Alabama Hospitals in Birmingham in 1992. Since then he has earned board certifications in both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine.
Prior to that he graduated from the University of North Carolina Medical School. Between his third and fourth years, Dr. Berry took a leave of absence in a Haitan medical clinic and to pursue a Diploma in Christian Studies at Regent College. While there, he won the Best Essay of the Year Award for a paper concerning the doctrine of creation (click to see Creation paper).
His undergraduate degree was a BS in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University where he graduated summe cum laude.